UMS 2.0.7 patch 2

A new patch fixing three problems with UMS 2:

The patch can be downloaded here. Just overwritte old exe with this one.

The setup file has been updated too so if you have downloaded the sim after the date of this post, your sim is updated to version

EDIT: Fixed patch link. It was linking to the full setup file.


  1. how do i overwrite the old exe file? i have lots of fights saved and what not in all my mma orgs and i don’t want to lose any of them so i am don’t want to screw this up lol.

    do i just go download it and install it like it says or do i have to do something different, could you walk me thru the steps.

    • You will not lose the saved fights. JUst overwrite the old exe with the one in the patch.

      • what does overwrite the old exe mean? Like i said i need a step by step process. It looks like right now it is installing the game again.

  2. i found a new problem, when you look at the saved events, it’s when you open one event, it shows a different event.

    Event A
    Event B

    If you open event A,the results are those of Event B

    • Thanks. Could you post it in the forum? It’s easy to track down issues there.

      • sorry,but i’m not that active on the forums 😦

  3. could you please give me a step by step process, i dont know what overwrite the old exe means.

    • 1 – Download the patch.
      2 – Extract the file inside the patch using WinRar.
      3 – Copy that file.
      4 – Paste it in UMS Folder inside the path where you installed the sim (usually Program Files/Ultimate MMA Simulator 2.0.7/UMS)

  4. also,the mediafire link is to the full installation file(exe) not a rar file with just the UMS.exe file

    • Fixed. I’m sorry for the mistake.

  5. I have copied the file from the patch into where i have it saved, but i didn’t overwrite anything, i am still unsure whether or not i have installed the patch correctly.

    • There is a folder named UMS inside the installation folder. You have to replace the old exe inside that folder with the patched one.

  6. is there a way to edit the height of the random fighter feature. To many times i click create a fighter and a 5’5 185 fighter shows up,

    i would ask this is the forum but it says its down and its been down for a couple of days now.

  7. Very nice patch thanks very much.Game will going better and better.Now jus correct all bugs and we could do career mode…

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